Today the State Democratic Party, as well as the caucuses and committees, met in Columbia Missouri. Cooper County had a representative attending the State Committee meeting, the IT committee,  and the Rural Caucus today.  Here’s a quick recap of what was discussed.


The IT committee met first  in Memorial Union. The main discussion of the committee was to establish an objective and mission of the committee.  After some discourse on the efficacy of some current infrastructure in place, it was decided that the proliferation of the use of available technology should be the main priority. The committee also established a secondary objective of education around the existing technologies in place


The State Committee met next in the Alumni Center.  The meeting was mostly about setting up the rest of the working committee and establishing some action items. There was quite a bit of deliberation to make sure that the committee appropriately represented the state.


The Rural Caucus met later in the afternoon.  The caucus is currently working on restructuring it’s organization type in in order to be better suited to help county committees and candidates.  The caucus executives are rolling out a new plan that will hopefully build interest in the local communities.


Please let us know if you have any further questions about what occurred at the meetings!

State Meeting January